Get ready to make some noise. This music set comes with a tambourine, mini drum, drumstick, and xylophone that are just the right size for the kids. After all, every child’s first concert usually starts with a drum solo... right on the kitchen table.
Key Features:
• Designed to fit small hands.
• Fun details that appeal to kids.
The xylophone has wooden keys. The mini drum creates sound by spinning the handle, which helps kids practice their fine motor skills while having fun making music.
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Artikelnummer: 1000955
Rek. ålder: 18 mån
Färg: Brun
Övriga mått: Xylofon: 16x10,5x2 cm. Tamburin: 13x13x4 cm. Trumma: 8x18x3 cm. Trumpinne: 10,5x1x1 cm.