Lektält med figurer MUMIN -Lektält med figurer MUMIN
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We wanted to honor this fantastic quality the whole Moomin family seems to have—always being kind and making sure that everyone feels safe and can belong in a home like the Moomin home.
The tent, with practical pockets (of course inspired by Moominmamma's apron) both outside and inside, has room for small books or toys, so you can always have what you need in your own cozy area. The Moomin tent is made from sturdy canvas in certified cotton and FSC-certified wooden poles. The door can "always be open" by using the curtain holders on each side of the door. For the books and toys you want to bring inside the tent, there are two inside pockets. On the outside, you have a smaller pocket where you can find three small Moomin textile figures, like comfy cushions to play and cuddle with: Moominmamma, Little My, and Sniff; a small reminder that a family can look however you want and that the Moomin family represents this way of living.
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