Toys for 1-year-olds.

There are very exciting things happening in a child's maturation between the ages of one and two. They examine more items with their fingers than their mouths and love to repeatedly do the same things. Wooden blocks and puzzles are therefore a great tip when you are buying toys for the 1-year-old. They now need to move a lot more to get rid of energy, making walker wagons and pull-along toys suitable as they can take them with them when they move around the home. From now on, they also start to pretend play. So, cars and figures are extra fun at this stage.

Gift guide for 1-year-olds

Have you been invited to someone's first birthday party? Well, we have excellent tips on what to get to a 1-year-old. Below you will find several toys that are both fun and suitable for all the exciting things that happen in a 1-year-old's life.

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