From crawling to walking

Step by steps towards a first step

When a baby begins to take their first steps, it is a wonderful time in their life. It is a significant milestone that marks the beginning of their independent mobility and opens up a whole new world of exploration and adventure. Typically, this happens when they are between 9-15 months old, and it is an exciting time for both you and your child. Here are some important milestones on the road to the development of a baby's ability to take their first steps.



The first months of a baby's life are mainly spent lying down, but as they grow and develop, they begin to explore the world around them. Crawling is a crucial part of a baby's development and helps them build the muscles needed to develop their core strength, balance, and coordination.

When a baby first starts to crawl, it can be a bit of a challenge. They may need some extra support and encouragement from their parents, but it is important to let them explore and learn on their own. Giving them enough time and patience to feel comfortable with crawling is the key to their progress.


Pulling to stand

When a baby starts to pull themselves up to standing, it is a sign that their muscle strength and coordination are starting to develop. This usually happens around 9-12 months by using furniture or other objects for support. If you as a parent want to encourage your baby to try to get up from the floor, you can place toys at a lower height. This encourages them to stretch and thus build leg strength and improve balance.



When a baby can stand, they will start moving by holding onto furniture or other objects for support. This phase is called "cruising," and it helps your baby build confidence in their ability to move around. It may be a bit wobbly at first, but over time it often becomes a common and comfortable mode of transportation. Cruising is an important part of the transition from being a passive observer to taking initiative and moving forward on their own. By learning to handle their own body in this way, your baby's self-esteem and confidence are strengthened.


The first steps

Eventually, your baby becomes confident enough to let go and take their first steps. Sure, at first it might just be a few wobbly steps, but it's still a huge leap forward and a major triumph! Over time, they become more confident and brave. Their legs get stronger and their steps more secure. Now it's only a matter of time before you see your baby running around in their own little world, exploring everything around them. It can feel surreal at first, that your child is no longer dependent on you to get around. But this is a huge step towards becoming an independent individual and the journey has only just begun! You have so many fun things to look forward to in the future.


If you want to help your child take their first steps, it's a good idea to create a safe environment where they can explore and move around freely. Also, make sure there are no dangerous objects or obstacles on the floor. You can also encourage your child by stepping a few feet away and enticing them with a toy. Another technique is to let your child hold onto your hands while standing up and trying to take a few steps.

Don't forget that...

...every baby develops at their own pace! Some will take their first steps earlier or later than others. As long as you are there to support and cheer on your baby, they will develop just as they should on their way to taking their first steps.

Read more about developmental stages

Things that can help your baby on the way

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