With this tent, we want to tribute these Moominous qualities, being kind and protective, providing a safe and welcoming space for anyone that needs a home. Their story highlights themes of friendship, bravery, and the value of standing up to bullies.
Printed motifs in black and white of Moominpappa, Moominmamma, Little My, and Moomintroll, along with garden light decorations, make this tent both decorative and easy to place in any room with its clean black and white design. The tent features two striped inner pockets for storing books and small toys, and a smaller pocket outside where you can find Moomintroll comfortably leaning. Little My is also half-visible, standing in the pocket, ready to take care of your favourite teddy or storybook.
The Moomin tent is made from canvas in certified cotton and FSC-certified wooden poles. The door can "always be open" by using the curtain holders at the side of the door.
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