Green City - Our children's future

The future is green

Green City is a vision of a sustainable future for our cities, where people and the planet can coexist in harmony. It is an important goal that has grown in popularity as people have begun to realize that our way of living and consuming has a direct impact on the environment and climate. Green City, however, is more than just an idea - it is a commitment that we can all take on. When it comes to creating a sustainable future, it is important to engage even the youngest members of our society. In the end, they are our future.


Stauraum, Stauraum, Stauraum

Uns sind noch keine Eltern begegnet, die über zu viel Stauraum im Kinderzimmer geklagt haben … Deshalb solltest du bereits bei der Planung des Zimmers auf verschiedene Aufbewahrungslösungen setzen und neben einem klassischen Schrank oder einer Kommode auch Regale und Haken, Kisten und Boxen sowie Stofftaschen integrieren. Mit einem Mix aus offenem und geschlossenem Stauraum können größere Spielsachen als sichtbare Deko dienen, während kleinere Gegenstände in einer hübschen Box verschwinden.

Recycle, recycle, recycle!

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Enter the modern city of Aiden - inspired by green city projects all over the world. The electrical power is generated both from the solar panels and windmills that give the city all the energy needed. Let green fields and trees grow combined with the simplicity of cubic shaped houses. You can either place the large houses as high-rise buildings or use them as low rises. Combine and place the green and white plates between the blocks to get balconies, roads, or all green parkways. Start a cultivating area on the white balcony - and pretend to grow your veggies from home. The box contains five large houses, five small houses, three birch trees, five pine trees, and one wind turbine. One green "bush", one natural factory roof, two grass/corner pieces, six grass parkways, four white balconies or roads, and three water pieces.

AIDEN City Blocks

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